Library reference for (c211 matrix)

(draw-matrix matrix)
=> unspecified

Display a graphical form of matrix, showing all of the values contained therein.

(make-matrix rows columns)
(make-matrix rows columns value)
=> a matrix

Create a new matrix of size rows x columns. If value is specified, fill the matrix with that value. Otherwise, fill it with 0.

(matrix->vov matrix)
=> a vector of vectors

Convert a matrix into a vector of vectors.

(matrix-cols matrix)
=> a non-negative integer

Return how many columns are in matrix.

(matrix-generator rows columns generator)
=> a matrix

Create a new matrix of size rows x columns by calling the function generator at each element. generator should have the form (lambda (r c) ...).

(matrix-ref matrix row column)
=> a value

Access the value at row x column in matrix.

(matrix-rows matrix)
=> a non-negative integer

Return how many rows are in matrix.

(matrix-set! matrix row column value)
=> unspecified

Set the value stored in matrix at row x column to a new value.

(matrix? obj)
=> #t or #f

Test if obj is a matrix.

(print-matrix matrix)
=> unspecified

Print a matrix to the REPL. For larger matricies, only the top left corner will be printed.

(print-matrix-cols columns)
=> see below

Control how many columns are printed when using print-matrix. If columns is specified, use this for future calls; otherwise, return the current value.

(print-matrix-rows rows)
=> see below

Control how many rows are printed when using print-matrix. If rows is specified, use this for future calls; otherwise, return the current value.

(print-matrix-width width)
=> see below

Control how the width of values that are printed when using print-matrix. If width is specified, use this for future calls; otherwise, return the current value.

(vov->matrix vov)
=> a matrix

Convert a vector of vectors vov into a matrix.