




CS B552 Knowledge-Based Computation

Miniconference Presentation Order 


B552 minconference presentations will be in the following order.  Time will be allowed after each presentation for questions.   Based on level of questions, the last presenters on a given day may be pushed to the next session to allow additional discussion.   However, all presenters should be ready on the day designated below for their projects.


The miniconference guidelines describe the presentation format.



Wed, April 19


Stock Trading Assistant


Smart Assistant


Redesigning Earl for More Creative Sandwich Designs



Mon, April 24


Nutritionist for Diabetic Patients


Music Key Signature Prediction from Chords


Implementing Hybrid Approaches for Prediction/ Classification in Medical Domain 



Wed, April 26


Case Base Maintenance: A Streaming Approach


A Case Based Reasoning System for Interpreting Natural Language as a Linux Command


Knowledge Based Automated Code Debugger





Please contact us for any questions, and I'm looking forward to your presentations!