Re: V1.5.1 X-Face format change?

Victor A. Riley (
Fri, 19 Apr 91 15:13:31 EDT

Yes the patch to compface/gen.c was defective. If you replace that
file with the enclosed file it should fix the problem of mangled faces.

Victor Riley
IRIS - Brown University

* Compface - 48x48x1 image compression and decompression
* Copyright (c) James Ashton - Sydney University - June 1990.
* Written 11th November 1989.
* Permission is given to distribute these sources, as long as the
* copyright messages are not removed, and no monies are exchanged.
* No responsibility is taken for any errors on inaccuracies inherent
* either to the comments or the code of this program, but if reported
* to me, then an attempt will be made to fix them.

#include "compface.h"

#define GEN(g) F[h] ^= G.g[k]; break

static void Gen(f)
register char *f;
register int m, l, k, j, i, h;

for (j = 0; j < HEIGHT; j++)
for (i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++)
h = i + j * WIDTH;
k = 0;
for (l = i - 2; l <= i + 2; l++)
for (m = j - 2; m <= j; m++)
if ((l >= i) && (m == j))
if ((l > 0) && (l <= WIDTH) && (m > 0))
k = *(f + l + m * WIDTH) ? k * 2 + 1 : k * 2;
switch (i)
case 1 :
switch (j)
case 1 : GEN(g_22);
case 2 : GEN(g_21);
default : GEN(g_20);
case 2 :
switch (j)
case 1 : GEN(g_12);
case 2 : GEN(g_11);
default : GEN(g_10);
case WIDTH - 1 :
switch (j)
case 1 : GEN(g_42);
case 2 : GEN(g_41);
default : GEN(g_40);
case WIDTH :
switch (j)
case 1 : GEN(g_32);
case 2 : GEN(g_31);
default : GEN(g_30);
default :
switch (j)
case 1 : GEN(g_02);
case 2 : GEN(g_01);
default : GEN(g_00);

void GenFace()
static char new[PIXELS];
register char *f1;
register char *f2;
register int i;

f1 = new;
f2 = F;
while (i-- > 0)
*(f1++) = *(f2++);

void UnGenFace()