FACES sources

Frank Pikelner (frank@cs.yorku.ca)
Wed, 6 May 1992 09:45:36 -0400


I have been directed to this address by Steve Kinzler, as a source to possibly
answer my questions regarding the program XFACES. This summer one of my
projects is to implement a database such as one in your FACES program. The
intent is more for the distribution of accounts to student. What we would like
is to digitize a photo image of the student's face and issue a computer account.
Since our university student ID cards do not include photographs this would
enable us know what the student looks like. I've gone through some of the
documentation and the package seems to have much more than is presently
required, also very little documentation (that I could find) on how the
database works. If someone could EMAIL me the required sources I would need
to FTP to implement our idea. Also if there is documentation available I
would very much appreciate to know its source. At present we'll be using
B/W cameras, or video cassette recorder do take the photo then digitize the
image into our Sun machines. I believe we have the necessary software to
change the digiized image into .XBM graphics format. So as I understand all I
require is the facility to build these images into a database for the system
administrator, and the capacity to automate this procedure would be nice.
I would appreciate any help nayone can offer me in this task.

Thank you very kindly in advance,

--- --- Frank Pikelner
\ \ \ Technical Assistant
\- \-- York University (Toronto, Canada)
\ \ Internet: frank@cs.yorku.ca