Home Page for CIS 410/510 (Hardware Specification and Verification)

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The Verilog HDL

Verilog Simulators

I suggest you use the free Veriwell simulator. The table provides more information about Verilog simulators.

Name Of the company Name of Simulator further information
Cadence Design Systems, Inc. Verilog-XL http://www.cadence.com
Chronologic Simulation VCS http://www.chronologic.com/
Fintronic USA, Inc. FinSim http://www.fintronic.com/
interHDL, Inc. Viper http://www.interhdl.com
Mentor Graphics QuickHDL http://www.mentorg.com/
Model Technology V-System/VLOG http://www.ata.org/~model/
Pragmatic C Software Corp. Cver sjmeyer@crl.com
Simucad Silos III http://www.simucad.com/
SpeedSim, Inc. SpeedSim/3 http://www.speedsim.com
Wellspring Solutions, Inc. VeriWell http://www.wellspring.com/

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