Spin Unit Parts and Dimensions

Parts List


Parts are dimensioned in a table whose entries correspond to
the standard part shown below. Width and length are given for
all parts. Fins also have a face 1 and a chamfer dimension, 
and may also have second face 2. If a part does not have a
measurable dimension, that entry in the table is a dash ("-").


Part Name                  Width   Length  Face 1  Chamfer  Face 2
-------------------------  -----   ------  ------  -------  ------
BNC-20R                       18       55       -        -       -
BT-20 Main Body               18      105       -        -       -
Launch Lug                     4       35       -        -       -
Fin Spar (2 ea)                9      147     114       35       -
Fin Spar Spacer                9       38       3       35       -
Balsa Fin                     40      175      30      150       9
Fin Weight                    ~3      103      90       13       -

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