42 Questions about Analog Computing

Since 1990 I have been assembling the pieces of the puzzle that is analog computing. The pieces lie in such diverse realms as the theory of computability and computational complexity, VLSI design, neurobiology, chaos and non-linear dynamics, information theory, mathematical biology, quantum mechanics, and statistical thermodynamics. Now I am beginning to put the pieces together. It will very likely be my life's work, and even then will probably not be finished. I have already had one friend, Lee Rubel, die before he could finish parts of the mathematics, and even he took over ten years to develop the incomplete but useful model on which I have based my analog computers. Enjoy these questions, friends. Maybe some of you will choose to help me attempt to answer them.

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Associated Faculty: Jonathan W. Mills

Associated Graduate Students: None of my graduate students have chosen to work in this area. If you want to work with me, send me mail.

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