Minor tools and tips for includes, defines, and names

This page has some notes about coding, particularly with gcc, g++, or gfortran. An irritating feature of GNU compilers is the seemingly infinite descent into ifdef hell when trying to track down what the ultimate C type is for something like time_t, or which of the include files <time.h>, <sys/time.h>, <sys/times.h>, <times.h>, or <linux/times.h> are needed. Partly this is because gcc is designed to be compiled on, and used for, just about every platform possible, including some antiques that have not been produced since the 1980s. A related question is: Once all of the #ifdefs and #defines have been processed, just what is ultimately defined in your code? Some tips to help here:
Page history:
  • Started: 1999
  • Modified: Wed 16 May 2018, 11:32 AM
  • Last Modified: Mon 04 Nov 2019, 07:27 AM