Basic Architecture Ideas and Linear Algebraic Notation

Only three general concepts are really required for scientific computing, and this has been true throughout the history of electronic computers:

  1. Data locality
  2. Pipelining
  3. Parallelism
Those concepts are the basis of all high performance architecture. The basic computer architectural ideas to deal with those are


A computer's architecture is a high level framework defining the components making up a computer system, and their interfaces. For scientific computing the important components are For parallel machines this is extended to include the interconnection network and its topology for the processors. You need to understand enough computer architecture to

Linear Algebraic Notation and Conventions

Simple linear algebra operations are used throughout to illustrate architecture ideas, probe computer systems experimentally, and to demonstrate and test load/store analysis.

In general the Householder convention will be used. For those example operations, this means x and y vectors (n × 1), A, B, and C are two-dimensional arrays (m × n, e.g.), and α is a scalar real number.

The pseudo-code used will follow some basic conventions:

Because some browsers aren't up to snuff, and to match the strict ASCII character sets of most programming languages, Greek letters are sometimes spelled out. E.g., alpha = x(3)*A(2,11).

The first architectural aspect to consider is effective use of a memory hierarchy.