Linear Least Squares: Definitions and Basics

Preliminary conventions and references:

Linear algebra and LLS notation and ideas:

Linear least squares (LLS) problems have the form

min x || Ax − b ||2

where A is a given m×n matrix, b is a given m-vector, and the minimum is taken over all n-vectors x.

In applications LLS corresponds to a linear model of some quantity that depends on n parameters (the entries in the vector x), and for which m observations or experiments have been carried out. A single observation gives a single value (which goes into the corresponding entry of the vector b) as a linear combination of the underlying parameters. Almost always the number of observations/experiments carried out is larger than the number of parameters, i.e., m > n. The observed values are stacked up in the m-vector b, and the coefficients of the linear combination of parameters are placed as the corresponding row of A.

The basics of linear algebra (like 'linear combination', etc.) have already been posted, but review the info about subspaces and orthogonal matrices if needed. Some additional facts and notation for an m×n matrix A:

Some not-necessarily mathematical observations:

Next: ways of solving LLS

  • Last Modified: Mon 04 Nov 2019, 07:20 AM