February 10th and 11th 2012

Canyon Inn
McCormick's Creek State Park
Spencer, Indiana

Call for Participation InWIC Participants

The call for participation is now closed.

InWIC invites proposals for student research posters, student project posters, and student lightning talks. Undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to submit proposals. Participants may present their poster topic as a lightning talk as well.

Proposals will be accepted on a rolling basis, so the earlier you can submit a proposal, the better.


Posters describing interesting class projects, undergraduate or graduate research, and works-in-progress are encouraged. The purpose of a poster is to highlight the key questions and results of your academic activity and to present them in a visually attractive manner.

The top undergraduate student poster and the top graduate student poster will each receive a full scholarship to attend the 2012 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing in Baltimore, MD next fall, October 3 - 6, 2012.

Lightning Talks

Lightning Talks are five minute mini presentations that can range from a class project, research, inside information on how to survive a computing major, programming tips, ideas on how to create a successful women in computing group, etc.

An award will be presented to the audience's favorite talk.