Assignment 1 (Introduction to SML)


Due Date: January 22, 1997

To submit your assignment, run:

/cs/classes/cis461/wi97/submit files

This will copy all of the files you specify to a directory where I can get them. You can "unsubmit" any of the files:

/cs/classes/cis461/wi97/usubmit files

You can keep doing this as many times as you want as long as your final work has been submitted by the deadline.


Read Chapter 1 of Appel's book. Do the program on pages 10 and 11, and parts (a) and (b) of exercise 1.1 on page 12. For the program on pages 10 and 11, you will find the required datatypes in this file. For help on basic SML syntax, consult the Ullman book. The best way to study this book is to run SML, type the exercises, and observe the output of the SML/NJ compiler. For help on library functions, consult the SML basis library at

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