Solution for Quiz I

I am including my solutions and the guidelines I used to grade your problems. If you feel I didn't grade you according to these guidelines, please stop by.

Problem I

Write two different interfaces that the following class implements:
class BankAccount implements Bank1, Bank2 {
    private int balance;
    public BankAccount (int balance) {
	this.balance = balance;

    public int getBalance () { return balance; }

    public void withdraw (int amount) throws BankAccountError, NotEnoughMoney {
	if (amount <= 0) throw new BankAccountError();
	else if (amount <= balance) balance -= amount;
	else throw new NotEnoughMoney(amount-balance);

    public void deposit (int amount) throws BankAccountError {
	if (amount <= 0) throw new BankAccountError();
	else balance += amount;


For a class to implement an interface, it must have an implementation of every method in the interface. Variable declarations and constructors cannot appear in interfaces. The class BankAccount has three methods: put some method declarations in one interface and some other method declarations in the other interface. For example,
interface Bank1 {
  void withdraw (int amount) throws BankAccountError, NotEnoughMoney;

interface Bank2 {
  void deposit (int amount) throws BankAccountError;

Problem II

Design and implement a class to represent a Person using the following guidelines:


There is quite a bit of freedom in how you would implement. Here is one solution:
class Person implements Financial {
    private BankAccount account;
    private int cash;

    public Person () {
	this.account = new BankAccount(0);
	cash = 0;

    public int amount_in_cash () { 
	return cash; 

    public int amount_in_bank () {
	return account.getBalance();

    public void work (int hours) {
	try {
	    cash += HOURLY_RATE * hours;
	    if (cash > MAX_CASH) {
		account.deposit(cash - MAX_CASH);
		cash = MAX_CASH;
	catch (BankAccountError e) {

    public void pay (int amount) {
	if (cash > amount) cash -= amount;
	else {
	    try {
		account.withdraw (amount - cash);
		cash = 0;
	    catch (NotEnoughMoney e) {
		int amountNeeded = e.getAmount();
		work ((amountNeeded / HOURLY_RATE) + 1);
		pay (amountNeeded);
	    catch (BankAccountError e) {
Here is how I graded this problem. First I don't really care about the details of how the money is divided between cash and bank. The important points were:

Problem III

Consider the following class:
class Lunch {
    Food salad, entree, dessert;

    Lunch () {
        salad = new GreenSalad();
        entree = new Pizza();
        dessert = new IceCream();

    int price () {
        return salad.price() + entree.price() + dessert.price();
The class makes use of four other classes: Food, GreenSalad, Pizza, and IceCream. Write definitions for these four classes that would make everything compile and run correctly.


abstract class Food {
    abstract int price ();

class GreenSalad extends Food {
    int price () { return 3; }

class Pizza extends Food {
    int price () { return 9; }

class IceCream extends Food {
    int price () { return 2; }
I divided the 30 points as follows. Having a hierarchy is worth 10 points. Having a method price in each class is worth 10 points. The details of the code are worth the remaining 10 points.

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