CIS 425 Homework VII

Functions in Java

Here is an ML program that computes prime numbers. Rewrite the program in Java with the following constraint: Maintain the structure of the ML program as much as possible:
(* An infinite sequence of numbers is represented as a pair of components:
the first component is a number and the second component is a function,
which when called generates the rest of the infinite sequence. *)
datatype InfiniteSequence = Seq of int * (unit -> InfiniteSequence)

(* The function filterSeq takes a predicate "pred" and an infinite sequence
and returns a new infinite sequence which consists of only those elements
that satisfy the predicate *)
fun filterSeq pred (Seq(i,g)) = 
    if (pred i) then Seq(i, (fn () => filterSeq pred (g())))
    else filterSeq pred (g())

(* "take k seq" returns a list of the first k elements of an infinite sequence
fun take 0 (Seq(i,g)) = []
  | take k (Seq(i,g)) = i :: (take (k-1) (g()))

(* Here is a simple infinite sequence of all numbers starting from 2 *)
fun makeNats i = Seq (i, fn () => makeNats (i+1))
val nats = makeNats 2

(* Primes are another infinite sequence generated as follows *)
fun notMultiple i = (fn j => (j mod i) <> 0)
fun makePrimes (Seq(i,g)) = Seq (i, fn () => 
				  (filterSeq (notMultiple i) (g()))))
val primes = makePrimes nats

(* You can test the program by typing: 
      take 10 primes
  which should generate the first 10 primes.

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