Chapter 1:

Intended Audience

This manual serves dual purposes. First and foremost, it is intended as a quick reference guide to the Daisy language. Although the excellent and thorough (although slightly dated) Daisy Programmer's Manual exists, it is more of a comprehensive reference and tutorial than a concise description. It is our hope that this thin manual can more readily track the changes to this dynamic and evolving language. Second, we have attempted to provide a simple and unassuming introduction for intermediate-level programmers weaned on conventional imperative programming languages. Although hardly a substitute for a good introductory text on functional programming, we attempt to highlight the key differences between Daisy and more traditional languages, and in some cases explain the rationale behind the language design. We realize that this approach may irritate more knowledgeable readers; we ask that you bear with us and skim material that seems overly pedantic.

In this manual there should be enough information for you to get a sense of what Daisy is like and to be able to write some simple programs. We assume that you have some experience as a programmer in another programming language and understand basic programming concepts. We do not assume extensive programming experience or a lot of familiarity with high-level languages or language implementation. This manual does not provide examples of significant programs written in Daisy. For that we refer you to our companion volume Daisy Programming or the aforementioned Daisy Programmer's Manual.

Organization of this Manual

What is "Daisy"?

Daisy is a computer programming language with some interesting properties. Some of the adjectives that have been used (perhaps not altogether accurately) to describe it include: high-level, symbolic, list-processing, concurrent, functional and demand-driven.

History of Daisy

The Daisy language is the culmination of a number of research projects relating to Lisp-family languages over a twenty year period from the mid 1970's to mid 1990s at Indiana University.

Conventions Used in this Manual

We use the following typographic conventions in this manual:
  1. Language keywords, syntactic punctuation and program fragments or listings are generally shown in Courier font.

  2. Items in Courier italics indicate that expressions of a given type are expected in this position. The letter or word in italics indicates the data type the expression should evaluate to and a subscript (if any) is a notational aid in understanding the purpose of the expression in the surrounding context (see example below).

  3. Boldface may be used for emphasis, but does not have special meaning.

  4. ellipses (...) indicate extra items may follow, possibly/likely having a similar type signature to the preceding item(s).

  5. A right arrow (=>) means "evaluates to".

Here is an example:
if:[ Epred Ethen Eelse ] => Ethen if Epred is true, Eelse otherwise
This says that in the conditional construct, the if keyword, the colon and the brackets are required syntax, while inside the brackets, three arguments are expected: a boolean predicate expression, a general then expression and a general else expression. The entire expression evaluates to the value of the then or else expression, depending on the value of the predicate expression. In C syntax this expression would be:
( Bpred ? Ethen : Eelse )
Here is a concise listing of italic expression placeholder types. Some of these are self-explanatory, others are described elsewhere in the manual.
Placeholder   Expression
    E           valid value
    N           number
    F           function
    M           string, erron (message)
    I           literal, symbol (identifier)
    L           list
    S           stream
    C           character
    B           boolean
    D           unsigned constant (directive)
    V           value of the corresponding expression to the left of the arrow

Concepts and Terminology

An environment is the set of local variables and their values. In conventional languages the environment is maintained as a sequence of stack frames containing function parameters and locally declared variables. One can read and set those variables directly, but it is usually not possible to manipulate the environment itself as a malleable data structure. Instead, it is manipulated implicitly; it gets extended when you call a function or declare some local variables, and shrinks when the execution path returns you out of that local scope. The main reason for this is to prevent corruption of the environment structure (stack) which would wreak havoc with the underlying system, since it contains other critical items like return addresses. In Daisy the environment is maintained separate from the stack so corrupting the stack is not an issue. This makes it possible for the programmer to manipulate the environment.

In conventional languages like C, all functions are defined at top level at compile time. They might be global or defined in classes, packages or modules. In the body of the function, variable references can refer to function parameters, local variables or top level variables (global or class/package/module). In Daisy, functions can be nested. A variable reference can refer to any variable in the environment.