
B461: Advanced Database Concepts

Fall 2009


The information contained in this page is not optional. You are responsible for conducting yourself in accordance with the rules below. Ignorance of a rule stated or referred to here is not grounds for excusal. If you have questions regarding a policy, ask one of us before you act.

Exams and Group Work

Group submissions are permitted only for the assignments for Fall 2009. See the assignments page for details.

For the exams in particular, note that 75% of your course grade comes from your performance on the exams. The exams will be held in the lecture room and proctored accordingly. It should be obvious, but group work is not permitted on the exams. The exams must be entirely your own work. If you are caught talking to another student or otherwise using an unpermitted source during a B561 exam, the penalty will be immediate failure of the course and a report to the IUB Office of Student Ethics. Note that two such reports of this type of incident are usually grounds for expulsion from the University.


We will try to have your assignments and exams graded in a timely manner. You can assist this process by conforming to the stated guidelines for submission.

Grading concerns will usually not be addressed during office hours. If you want to discuss the grade you've received, e-mail the person who graded your assignment or exam for an appointment.

Academic Integrity

Read the Computer Science Department's Statement on Academic Integrity to be sure you understand the rules under which computer science courses operate. Cases of academic dishonesty will be reported to the Office of Student Ethics, a branch of the Office of the Dean of Students. If you have any questions about the official document, ask one of us.


Make sure you know the last day to drop a course or withdraw from all courses with an automatic 'W'. For Fall 2009, this date is Wednesday, October 28. After that date, a student may withdraw only with the permission of his or her dean. This approval is normally only for urgent reasons related to extended illness or equivalent distress.

Incomplete grade

An incomplete ("I") final grade will be given only by prior arrangement in exceptional circumstances conforming to university and departmental policy which requires, among other things, that the student must have completed the bulk of the work required for the course with a passing grade, and that the remaining work can be made up within 30 days after the end of the semester.

The B461 web pages are maintained by Jeremy. If you notice problems or inconsistencies, send e-mail to .