Pivoting in LU Factorization

LU Notation and Warrnings

At an intermediate stage of LU factorization, the 2D array A that originally contained the matrix A has a mix of L, U, and partially processed parts of A. Because of that, mixing the terminology of array versus matrix is almost unavoidable. At the start, array A contains the matrix A. At the end, it is a data structure representing the matrices L and U. All LU factorization algorithms for dense matrices work in-place, so in general assume that A refers to the array.

Another common nomenclature: at an intermediate stage of LU factorization, the parts of the L and U factors that have already been computed are called the reduced part. The rest of the array, usually its trailing principle submatrix, is called the unreduced part.

Partial Pivoting in LU Factorization

When using any of the LU factorization methods (rank-1 update or matrix-vector product) of LU factorization, dividing by A(k,k) in the scaling operation will cause problems if the absolute value |A(k,k)| is small. To avoid this, algorithms search for a large value in the unreduced part of the array A, then swap rows and sometimes columns to move it to the (k,k) diagonal position.

Full pivoting means bringing the largest element in absolute value into that position by swapping rows and columns in the matrix to put the largest element in the (k,k) diagonal position. Partial pivoting means searching for the largest only among the entries in the k-th column, and so only require row swaps. Full pivoting is rarely used because it requires O(n3) searching and data movement operations1. Also, LU factorization is "usually stable" when partial pivoting is used. Some classes of problems (e.g., two point boundary value problems in ODEs) can make it fail, but most often partial pivoting suffices. In general when the term "pivoting" is used, it refers to partial pivoting, not full pivoting. After pivoting is done to move a larger (or largest) value into the (k,k) diagonal position, it is called the "pivot" or "pivot entry" or "pivot element". In any case it is the diagonal element A(k,k), chosen in an attempt to avoid dividing by a too-small value when scaling the subdiagonal part of column k.

Including partial pivoting in the rank-1 version of LU factorization gives:

LU Factorization: Rank-1 Update with Pivoting Form

for k = 1:n
  p = index of max element in |A(k:n,k)|
  piv(k) = p
  swap rows k and p of A: A(k,:) ↔ A(p,:)
  A(k+1:n,k) = A(k+1:n,k)/A(k,k)
  A(k+1:n,k+1:n) = A(k+1:n,k+1:n) − A(k+1:n,k) * A(k,k+1:n)
end for 

The first step defines p as the index of the largest element in absolute value in the diagonal and subdiagonal elements in column k. The outermost loop on k runs to n, so that piv(n) will be defined. If the LU factorization is then used to solve Ax = b, that last entry should never be referenced; correct indexing of loops should lead to it never being used. Mathematically, for a square matrix piv(n) = n must hold (why?). Also, exchange of rows k and p of the array A means the entire rows are swapped, not just the parts of the remaining trailing submatrix. The corresponding parts of the previously computed portions of L and U must also be swapped, since since they are overwriting A. It is another magic feature of LU factorization that this makes the factors come out in the right order as well.

The Matlab function LU1p.m implements this with different indexing variables. However, notice three important features:

  1. swapping two rows does not require a temporary variable the way that C or C++ does. Instead the swap is done in one line: A([pivot(r) r], 1:n) = A([r pivot(r)], 1:n). The same syntax can be used in Fortran, but it requires a comma to separate the row numbers, viz., A([pivot(r), r], 1:n) = A([r, pivot(r)], 1:n).
  2. when finding the pivot element using max() and abs(), it is possible that more than one entry in the column has the maximal absolute value. In that case, Matlab will return all such elements and their indices to s and I: [s, I] = max(abs(A(r:m, r))). To guard against this, the Matlab function uses indexing s(1) and I(1) to reference the the first maximal element and its index.
  3. when A(r:m,r) is passed to the max() function, it does not know that the indexing into that vector starts at r and goes to m. Instead it assumes the indexing starts at 1 and goes to m-r. So when the index I is returned, we have to shift it by adding r-1 so that it will be in the correct range: pivot(r) = I(1)+r-1. This is not specific to Matlab, and the same shift has to be done in C, C++, or Fortran.

LU Factorization: Matrix-Vector Product with Pivoting for a Rectangular Matrix

Including pivoting with the matrix-vector product version and letting the matrix be m × n with m ≥ n gives:

for k = 1:n−1
   B(k:m,k) = B(k:m,k) − B(k:m,1:k−1) * B(1:k−1,k)
   p = index of max element in |B(k:m,k)|
   piv(k) = p
   swap rows k and p of B: B(k,:) ↔ B(p,:)
   B(k,k+1:n) = B(k,k+1:n) − B(k,1:k−1) * B(1:k−1,k+1:n)
   B(k+1:m,k) = B(k+1:m,k)/B(k,k)
end for
B(n:m,n) = B(n:m,n) − B(n:m,1:n−1) * B(1:n−1,n)
B(n+1:m,n) = B(n+1:m,n)/B(n,n)

The array name B instead of A is used to distinguish this from the usual square matrix case where m = n. However, B will actually be a subarray of the array A in most cases. The last two steps are the new ingredients - they apply the remaining updates to the rest of the matrix. Also, another pivot step can be taken if |B(n,n)| is too small. That is one case where piv(n) must be defined.

The Matlab function LU3.m implements this algorithm without pivoting. The Matlab script testLU3.m creates a 10 x 7 matrix and then calls LU3.m on it, checking the resulting LU factors.

Practical partial pivoting

Obviously, the three lines for implementing pivoting in the algorithms above are simple, and simple to implement. Here are some tips:

1 a version of full pivoting has been developed that does not require O(n3) work, but is more complicated than what we need here.

  • Next: BLAS-3 version of LU factorization