Package edu.indiana.iucbrf.casebase

Interface Summary
CaseBase A CaseBase contains cases.
KeyableCaseBase A keyable case base is a case base that has associates a key with each case.

Class Summary
AbstractCaseBase This abstract base component class contains the outline for the implementation of a case base, as well as implementations of some common functions.
AbstractKeyableCaseBase An AbstractKeyableCaseBase is an AbstractCaseBase that implements the KeyableCaseBase interface.
CachedRDBCaseBase This class uses a relational database to store the case base, but will read and store the entire case base in memory when it is accessed.
FileCaseBase A FileCaseBase stores cases in a B-tree-backed file.
FlatCaseBase A list of cases, without any hierarchical ordering.
Node This class defines a single node in a DTreeCaseBase.
PartitionedCaseBase A partitioned case base is one in which the cases are partitioned into equivalence classes, for example as a result of k-medoid clustering.
Range A Range object holds two Feature objects.
RDBCaseBase A RDBCaseBase stores a list of cases in a relational database and uses SQL queries to read them back into memory.
RDBCaseBaseInfo Defines the information that is required for storing a casebase in a relational database.