Package edu.indiana.iucbrf.feature

Interface Summary
AbstractFeatureCollection.KeyTextEntryIterator The Object returned by next() is a Map.Entry with a FeatureKey key and a String value (some kind of description of that key).
DoubleRepresentable A DoubleRepresentable object can be represented as a double, and can have its value set from a double.
Feature Features are the primary placeholders for information about both problems and solutions.
FeatureCollection A FeatureCollection may be backed by an actual Java Collection, or by any other data type that holds multiple objects, such as a Map.
Featured An object that is Featured contains at least one Feature.
FeatureKey The unique (across the Domain) identifier for a feature.

Class Summary
AbstractFeature This class makes assumptions about Features that are general enough to be applicable to most implementations.
AbstractFeatureCollection This class makes some assumptions that are general enough to apply to most FeatureCollection implementations.
AbstractFeatureCollection.Key_KeyText_EntryIterator An iterator whose keys are FeatureKeys and whose values are the toString()s of those FeatureKeys.
AbstractFeatureCollection.Ordered_Key_DescText_EntryIterator An iterator over EntryImpl objects, whose keys are FeatureKeys and whose values are the textual descriptions of the features with those FeatureKeys.
CharacterFeature A Feature with a value that is a Character.
DBFeatureKeyIntFactory In contrast to FeatureKeyIntFactory, DBFeatureKeyIntFactory does not store the next key in memory.
DoubleFeature A Feature with a value that is a double.
DoubleFeatureInputPanel A Swing component for inputing the value of a DoubleFeature.
ExceptionFeature This class is used to indicate that an exception occurred when a feature was constructed.
FeatureCollectionInputPanel A Swing component for inputing the value of each feature in a FeatureCollection.
FeatureInputPanel A Swing component for inputing the value of a Feature.
FeatureKeyInt The unique (across the Domain) identifier for a feature.
FeatureKeyIntFactory Used to obtain the next available unique FeatureKey.
FeatureLabelPairPanel This class constructs a JPanel to hold a feature and its associated text.
InetAddressFeature InetAddress from java release 1.4 are avoided at pressent.
InetAddressFeatureInputPanel A Swing component for implementing the value of a InetAddressFeature.
IntegerFeature A Feature with a value that is a double.
IntegerFeatureInputPanel A Swing component for implementing the value of an IntegerFeature.
LongStringFeature A Feature with a value that is a long String.
NullFeatureInputPanel A Swing component used as a placeholder when no feature is available.
ObjectFeature A general Object feature, where the value can be any Object.
OneFeatureComparator Compares two cases based only on a single feature.
OneFeatureMutualDistanceComparator Compares two cases based on which one has a smaller distance from a third base case according to a single feature.
OrderedFeatureMap A FeatureMap in which the order of addition to the map is maintained.
PanelListCellRenderer A ListCellRenderer for ObjectJComponentPair objects.
StringFeature A Feature with a value that is a TextTermVector pair.
StringFeatureInputPanel A Swing component for implementing the value of a StringFeature.
TableFeature Make a subclass which passes up the appropriate rowToFeatureKey array.
TableFeatureInputPanel A Swing component for implementing the value of a TableFeature.
TermVectorFeature A Feature with a value that is a TermVector.
TermVectorFeatureInputPanel A Swing component for implementing the value of a TermVectorFeature.
TextTermVectorPair Principle use is at the value of a StringFeature.

Exception Summary
CouldNotAdjustException This exception is thrown when a value could not be adjusted as requested.